Wintertime Greetings

A wintry scene from Fyn Denmark during the month of December. A deserted walking street the day before Christmas with old buildings and street lamps.

Wintertime in Denmark is something special. The high latitude means that days are short (very short) and the darkness instigates a hibernating hush over the land – people grouped indoors around candles and food to stave off the bleak, cold season. But during those few hours of daylight, the townscape can be absolutely enchanting, which I was especially aware of in the photo above taken in a small town on the island of Fyn. Swish swish, shhh shhh.

Photos from Danmark, Issue VI

Tiny model houses all dusted in white at the Danish Architecture Center. If it were powdered sugar there would have to be a sign telling people not to lick it.
A field of Danes, kind of like flowers, they only come out in the sunny months. Don't even ask me how they pollinate.
Garbage can to park bench ratio.
Old windows and doors and the parts in between reminds me of a quilt.
The entire Danish army. Their fuzzy hats make me want to take a nap. Perhaps that is their secret pacifist power?

Photos from Danmark, Issue V – A Parisian Interlude

One of the benefits of living in Danmark is the easy access to all those other European countries. Since Daneland pretty much shuts down in July due to its’ inhabitants strict observance of taking AS MUCH VACATION AS POSSIBLE, I decided to partake as well by spending 5 days in Paris. “Just 5 days off?” my co-workers asked me incredulously. “That’s ALL?”. Yes, and it was fantastic. So instead of photos from Danmark, here is documentation of my time in Paris, divided into the categories of found art and fancy art (you know, art in a museum).

Found Art

Patterned garage door graffiti. Found in central Paris.
...yeah, for those who know how to work wormholes. And kern. Wall art in east Paris.

Continue reading “Photos from Danmark, Issue V – A Parisian Interlude”

Photos from Danmark, Issue III

The archetype of a Danish man. Stately, although difficult to engage in conversation.
Where the Royal Family hangs out. Lucky them, but surely they could afford some better kerning?
Little metal chickens hopping up to heaven - photo of art inside a shop.
LOOK FORWARD TO A SAFE TIME - exhibit at Gl. Strand "Mit Navn er Jørgen Leth".
A funeral.
Summer clouds look like an ice flow in reverse.

Photos from Danmark, Issue II

Not sure who the subject is - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
I bet my pioneer rabbit would be best friends with this guy - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
A winding crooked tool of sorts - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
Good for government workers, or those who don't want to get much done - art from ARKEN.
You can't see it, but these are lithoprints of lots of tiny chocolate bars - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
I'm not sure what this is, but I wish it was a my party dress for New Year's Eve - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
Modern electric light pioneer wheel - art from ARKEN.
Just your average ratio of Danish flags to Danish summerhouses - 2:1.

Photos from Danmark, Issue I

Så har jeg boet i Danmark knap en måneds tid, og har faldt godt på plads i en dejlig stor lejlighed på Åboulevard. En del tid har gået med at orden det praktiske ting som følger med når man flytter, men jeg har også haft nogle chancer til at komme ud og se byen lidt. Her er nogle snapshots fra marts i København.

Bird in the sky, transatlantic flight.
I thought I was moving to Danmark, but it turns out I now live in Kebabistan.
Urban tattoo / graffiti on a statue.
The Danes are so organized that they have a check-out system for watering cans in the local cemetery.
Grød. Also known as its more pronounceable counterpart: oatmeal. This is the fanciest grød/oatmeal I've ever had.
Fancy grød deserves a fancy little seating area.
Old, new, and of course a character from the Simpsons.
Hand painted type on wheat-pasted book pages, found in Nørrebro.
A local Shepard Fairey piece. Or, as Portlanders would describe it: put a bird on it!