It’s been 3 months since I took a leap and moved the Bureau abroad to Copenhagen, Denmark. Since then, I’ve worked on projects with US clients in Portland and New York, launched a Kickstarter campaign, and spent countless hours getting the Bureau up to speed in a new country, which includes but is not limited to:
1. Accountant to explain the Danish Tax Burden to me: check.
2. Danish Design Association networking events up the wazoo: check.
3. Sharing office space with the kind folks at Wemind: check.
4. Going to lots of museums: check, check, check.
And then…
5. My first Danish design gig: check!!!
This is the first big payoff after quite a bit of nose-to-the-grindstone time. I will be working with a small local design studio called Bessermachen to help design a series of chocolate packaging. Plus, I get a meal ticket for their lunch plan where steaming hot lunch is served promptly at noon every day. If this isn’t a dream gig, I don’t know what is. Last year Brandhouse & Bessermachen’s “Chocolates with Attitude” make a big splash on the packaging design circuit, so this year will be a good challenge to help Creative Director Kristin Brandt make the 3rd edition just as great.
Bessermachen focuses solely on packaging design, which is one of my true design loves (in addition to designing for books, food and travel). Plus, Bessermachen pretty much means “make it better” in German – I think this is what you call kismet?

Sounds like a wonderfully delicious opportunity. Congrats Mette, though I never really had any doubts.
Always wonderful to hear from you.
Keep up the great work, so glad you’re finding success. I’m especially jealous of the steaming hot lunch served promptly at noon. I do love efficiency.
Godt gjordt! Nu skal du bar købe et stort hjem i København lige på søernde og invitere os at kom og besøge dig.
Vi savner dig – men vi glœder os i din succes.
Tim – du er altid velkommen til at besøg, og jeg har en kæmpe stor lejlighed TÆT ved søerne, so I have almost fulfilled your requirements needed for visiting. When should I expect you?