Even More Icebreakers Illustrations

Here is the final batch of illustrations for the Icebreakers book I’ve posted about previously here and here and here. This set includes more examples of creating vocal symbols for a global audience that aren’t language specific. The entire book is focused on using collaboration, games, movement and music to aid in icebreaker activities for groups. To learn more about the book directly from the authors, check it out at www.breaktheice.dk.

Rap battle of voices and sounds until the best team wins.
Rap battle of voices and sounds until the best team wins.
School games use rhythm and sound to create a "composition".
School games use rhythm and sound to create a “composition”.
The pirate ship, where the captain decides what the rules are and any naysayers must walk the plank.
The pirate ship, where the captain decides what the rules are and any naysayers must walk the plank.